Saturday, September 28, 2013

My research plan will serve as a pilot program in which will be assessed at its conclusion and will be implemented as a part of the teacher evaluation system in the 2014-2015 school year. For my research plan I have developed an original teacher evaluation that will be completed by the participating students. The data from my research will be given to my Vice – Superintendent at the end of the 2013-2014 school year in order to improve the student survey system so a school wide system may be implemented the following school year. In order to execute my evaluation I have recruited four teachers and myself to participate in the evaluation process.

Throughout the summer I research various districts and organizations that have developed and used student surveys.  One source of great information was the Bill Gates’ founded MET Project. The MET Project has produced many valuable publications regarding the use of surveys as a means of evaluating and improving student learning.  Once I collected enough research I presented the research to my colleagues participating in my research.  After, reviewing the research together and collecting their feedback and recommendations I constructed a survey which would best be applicable to the participating teachers.  In August, I reviewed the survey with my Vice –Superintendent. After her review I made a few minor changes and finalized the survey. I then distributed the survey to the participating teachers.  

In September, I presented my project at a department meeting.  I explained to my colleagues (I am the only member from my department participating in the survey) the research project that I have constructed and offered my colleagues my survey. Though these colleagues are not subjects in my research I still recommended that they to use my survey  and provide me with feedback.

Since, I wanted the teachers to develop a rapport with students before distributing the survey to students; the participating teachers will distribute the first of two surveys on Monday November 18th.  Once the surveys have been distributed and collected I will review the student feedback and  meeting with the participating teachers to review the student surveys and discuss ways in which the teachers can improve their pedagogical practices.


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