Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Action Planning Template- Should Students Grade Their Teachers?

Goal: To successfully develop, organize and facilitate a pilot program in which students will complete teacher evaluation surveys as a means of improving classroom instruction.

Action Step(s)
Needed Resources
1. Recruit five fellow teachers with varying years of experience who are willing to participate in my action plan.
Facilitate a meeting to greater inform them about the purpose of my action plan.
5 participating teachers
April/May 2012
Research on the Teacher Tenure Reform Act (New Jersey)
Research from the MET program
Teachers will complete a reflection regarding their initial concerns about allowing their students to evaluate their classroom methods. Post summary and reflection of teacher reactions  on
2. Introduce my action research plan at the first professional development day. Include published research (background information, the teachers participating, the process, and the ultimate goal of the plan.
High school faculty, administration
August 2013
Research on the Teacher Tenure Reform Act (New Jersey)
Research from the MET program
Teachers will complete a questionnaire regarding questions, concerns, and what they would like to know more about concerning the action research plan. Post summary and reflection of faculty reactions  on
3. Meet with the five participating teachers. Collaboratively construct a survey  
5 teacher participants
September 2013
Research from the MET program
The collaboratively constructed student survey. Post summary and the constructed survey on
4. Teachers will inform students about the survey and its purpose. The teachers will then administer and collect the student survey
5 teacher participants,
November 2013
Teacher evaluation survey
Teacher evaluation survey
5.Meet with each of the 5 teacher participants to discuss the student survey results.
5 teacher, participants
November /December 2013
Completed student surveys
Reflection questions
Teachers will complete a reflection sheet. Post summary and reflection of teacher meetings on 
6.Meet with a focus group of 15 students(3 students per teacher, all in different classes)  to discuss the survey process
15 students
December 2013
The initial student survey
Reflection questions
Students will complete a reflection and suggestion sheet. The will also note any change in teacher instructional methods. Post summary and reflection of student meetings on 
7.Teachers will administer and collect student surveys
5 teacher participants, students
April 2014
Teacher evaluation survey
Teacher evaluation survey
8. Individually meet with participating teachers to discuss the results of the recent surveys.
5 teacher participants
April 2014
Teacher evaluation survey,
Reflection questions
Teachers will complete another reflection sheet on how/if the student surveys affected their instructional performance. Post summary and reflection of teacher meetings on
9. Collectively meet with the participating teachers to discuss their experience
5 teacher participants
April 2014
Teacher evaluation survey,
Reflection questions,
Research from the MET project
Teachers will compare their experience to the research presented by the MET project. Teachers will complete reflection/suggestion sheet.
Post summary and reflection of teacher meetings on
10. Present the action plan results and data to the entire faculty and administration. Highlight the results from the student focus group and the reflections of participating teachers. Based on the research offer
Recommen-dations for using student surveys as a means of evaluation .
High school faculty, Administration
May 2014
Research from the MET project,
Results from my action research
The final presentation will present the complied data, results and reflections from the research plan. Based on these findings, final recommendations will be made to improve the student survey process.
Faculty will complete reflection questions on the presentation.
Post summary and reflection of faculty meeting on


  1. Jason. Nice plan man. I never would have thought of something in this nature. You raise a good point about having students evaluate teachers. The kids are gonna have to do it eventually if they go to post secondary school. Your plan makes me think of how a good reflection from a teachers' standpoint am I doing in the classroom. I think your plan is very thought out. It makes sense and its organized. I would be really interested to see what results you get. I have also wanted in the back of my head, a classroom ran more like a technical school where I expected my high school students to feel more like a higher level of learning taking place. Good Luck!

  2. I use to be opposed to students reall y giving an evaluation.But it can lead to some interesting and valuble research if done with the correct purpose. I was bias in the beginning because I thought students who were reprimanded for bad behavior would want to get even with teachers who stood up to their inappropriate actions in classrooms. I have always wanted to know what my students truly felt about me, but didn't know if I was ready to accept all opinions, but I can learn from my actions and others.

  3. I think your project is very interesting. Your plan is very well thought out and written. I could only think of one question...Will the student evaluations/surveys be content specific or generic? Since reflection can lead to improvement, I think it is important to give the students a voice. I used an informal evaluation with my students and I learned so much.

    My project could use some comments...if you get a chance :) Thanks
