Wednesday, March 20, 2013

After some researching and brainstorming, I have concluded that I would like to create a survey in which the questions are unique to my school. New Jersey offers districts the opportunity to use approved generic surveys or create their own. I feel that students and teachers would greater benefit from an original survey that uses language that pertinent to our school. I just think that a generic survey will feel like a state exam to the students and leave them feeling apathetic to the process. My plan is to integrate the language from the school's mission statement into the questions. Also, questions will identify the school's website and the school's online grading system by name. Furthermore, I would like the survey to have an open ended question (or two). For example something like... " Describe a specific lesson that you liked. What was being taught? Why did you enjoy it?"  I want the students to understand that purpose of the survey is to have an immediate impact on teacher instruction and hence on their education. This is not something that when completed will be sent to the state and dropped in a drawer.

 I have proposed this to my Vice - Superintendent and am waiting for her feedback. I will keep you posted....


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