Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 2 Reflection

Week 2 Reflection- After navigating through week two, I have been impressed with two important lessons. First, I learned that active research is a critical obligation for an administrator. This week’s readings and videos were full of examples of how various administrators used the research process to improve their schools. Many administrators stress how important doing research and collecting data is when instituting improvements to their school. In fact, many administrators stressed that research and data analysis is arguably the most important responsibility their position demands.

Secondly, a simple yet valuable lesson I learned was that when beginning a research plan an administrator must practice practicality. It is easy to be enamored by the newest theoretical academic practices. However, an administrator must closely examine and listen to the immediate needs of his or her school. When an administrator decides on a research plan, it must be a practical one that  ultimately addresses the specific needs of their school.

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